Certified Veterinary Acupuncture Program (Mixed, Equine or Small Animal Track)
Teilnehmerkreis: Tierärzt:innen, vet.-med. Studierende
Zeitraum: 25.05.2024 08:00 - 20.10.2024 - 13:00
Referenten:Imke Tratsis, DVM, CVA, CVBMA, certified veterinary chiropractor. Zusatzbezeichnung Akupunktur
Lorena Lloret Nadal, DVM, CVA, CVFT, CVCH, CVTP, CVBM
You can only book the whole course (online and onsite portion). You must start at session one (online) and continue along in order
Teilnahmegebühr: 6150 €
If you want to get certified, there is an additional fee of 300,00 € to pay
Tagungsort: Bühlhof, Bühlhof 1, 88529, Zwiefalten, Germany,Programm 25.05.2024 08:00 - 26.05.2024 - 18:00
This portion of the course (15‐hour wet labs and 4‐hour tutoring/review) discusses the top 59 canine points (including 55 transpositional + 4 classical points) and 63 equine points (including 55 transpositional + 8 classical points) (mix track). Hands‐on wet labs will be provided for the identification of these acupoints and operation of these acupuncture techniques. Upon completion of the class, students will be able
- to compare and contrast the impact of the learned acupoints when treating animals
- demonstrate proper acupuncture techniques on dogs and horses.
08:00 AM - 12:30 PM Acupoint Lab 01:30 PM - 06:00 PM Acupoint Lab 08:00 AM - 12:30 PM Acupoint Lab 01:30 PM - 05:30 PM Tutoring, Real Case Demo, and Question and Answer
Programm 20.07.2024 08:00 - 21.07.2024 - 18:00
This lab reviews not only the advanced acupuncture techniques of electro‐acupuncture and moxibustion, but also how to locate 63 canine points (including 51 transpositional + 12 classical points) and 89 equine transpositional points (MIX track). Upon completion of the class, students will be able to:
- define and describe clinical application of electro‐acupuncture, and moxibustion.
- define and describe the most commonly used acupoints in dogs and horses learned during session 2. Start defining and describing acupuncture points learned in session 4
08:00 AM - 12:30 PM Acupoint Lab 01:30 PM - 06:00 PM Acupoint Lab 08:00 AM - 12:30 PM Acupoint Lab 01:30 PM - 05:30 PM Tutoring, Real Case Demo, and Question and Answer
Programm 18.10.2024 08:00 - 20.10.2024 - 13:00
This portion of the course (wet lab) reviews all the required acupuncture points (mixed practice track will also learn 25 new equine classical points). Hands‐on wet labs will be provided for the identification of these acupoints. Upon completion of the class, students will be able to
- define and describe the most commonly used acupoints in dogs and cats, and/or in horses.
- demonstrate the clinical skills to improve the efficacy of acupuncture treatments.
08:00 AM - 12:30 PM Acupoint Lab 01:30 PM - 6:00 PM Acupoint Lab 08:30 AM - 12:30 PM Tutoring, Real Case Demo, and Question and Answer 01:30 PM - 06:30 PM Point Exam 08:30 AM - 12:30 PM Written Exam
Anmeldung:Please enroll on the homepage: www.chiu.edu/courses/cva-deu You will have to enroll before the first online session (you can find them under "E-Learning") starts: 15.03.2024
For further questions please email to Germany@chiu.edu, Imke Tratsis (Fragen können sowohl auf deutsch als auch auf englisch gestellt werden). Phone +49 157 82649731
Teilnehmerbegrenzung: 8-20 Personen
Homepage: chiu.edu/courses/ACUP102_DEU_EN
Anerkennung: 84 StundenVeranstalter

Chi Germany
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88239 Wangen im Allgäu