10. CT-User-Meeting der DGK-DVG

Teilnehmerkreis: Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte

Zeitraum: 02.12.2022 08:30 - 03.12.2022 - 13:30


 I. Gielen, H. van Bree, ,. Mihaljevic, E. Ranschaert, V. van Driessche, A. Brühschwein, D. Rasenberg, C. Hordijk, S. Stieger, K. von Pückler, Y. Vali, G. Manso Diaz, M. Hellige, C. Crijns, Hallmarq

Teilnahmegebühr: 175 €

Frühbucher bis 03.10.2022 (danach): 150,00 € (200,00 €)

Tagungsort: Augustijnenklooster Monastery, Academiestraat 1, 9000, Ghent, Germany,

Programm 02.12.2022 08:30 - 03.12.2022 - 13:30

The sessions on Friday will start with a plenary session, followed by 3 parallel rooms with a separate programme for the section " Small Animals", the Section "Equine" and one for the section "Technicians and Nurses programme". On Saturday the programme consists of 2 parallel scientific sessions: one for the section "Small Animals" and one for the section " Equine".

Friday 2 December, 08.30-18.00 h

08.30 h: Welcome and Opening of the CT-user Meeting (I. Gielen, H. van Bree, M. Mihaljevic)

Technique: Large and Small Animals and Technicians

09.00 h: Artificial intelligence, visions of the future (E. Ranschaert)

09.45 h: Brain CT versus MRI in Men (V. van Driessche)

10.30 h: PACS and viewers (A. Brühschwein)

11.00 h: Coffee Break

11.30 h: Picture archiving, DICOM and PACS-solutions (A. Brühschwein)

11.45 h: The Development and Evolution of 3D Patient Specific Models for Decision Support (D. Rasenberg)

12.30 h: Optimal surgical planning through Virtual Reality and AI. (C. Hordijk)

13.00 h: Walking Lunch


Room 1: Small Animals - More options then Computed Tomography in thoracic and orthopaedic diseases and in the patient with endocrine dysfunction?

14.00 h: Thoracic computed tomographic angiography - what's it all about? (S. Stieger)

14.30 h: The beating heart - echocardiography versus computed tomography, is there a reason to do both? (S. Stieger)

15.00 h: Pulmonary computed tomography - is it giving us all the answers? (S. Stieger)

15.30 h: Coffee Break and Poster session  

16.00 h: Stifle disorders: which modality when? (K. von Pückler) 

16.35 h: Thyroid glands (K. von Pückler)

16.55 h: Why CT is valuable in the evaluation of Pancreas? (Y. Vali)

17.15 h: WETLAB: case discussion (A. Brühschwein, S. Stieger, K.von Pückler)

18.15 h: Annual meeting German CT Association 6. Jahreshauptversammlung der Arbeitsgruppe CT der DGK-DVG 

Room 2: Equine: Computer Tomography of the Head
14.00 h: Imaging the equine head: CT or MRI? (Gabriel Manso Diaz)

14.30 h: Imaging the brain, CT?! (Gabriel Manso Diaz)

15.00 h: Vestibular syndrome, cranial nerve deficits, what to choose, pros and cons, CT vs MRI (Gabriel Manso Diaz)

15.35 h: Imaging TMJ, tympanic bull and guttural pouches: CT or MRI? (Maren Hellige)

16.05 h: Coffee Break

16.35 h: Sino nasal disorders: CT vs other modalities (Maren Hellige)

17.10 h: Equine teeth problems: CT vs other modalities (Maren Hellige)

17.40 h: WEBLAB: Film reading (Maren Hellige and Gabriel Manso Diaz)

18.15 h: Annual meeting German CT Association 6. Jahreshauptversammlung der Arbeitsgruppe CT der DGK-DVG


Room 3: Technicians and Nurses Programme
14.00 h: How to manage and manipulate the visual appearance of the images produced by a CT machine, such as enhancing the contrast or increasing details. (A. Brühschwein)

14.30 h: Scanning very small regions: What about kVp and mAs? Is there a specific reconstruction algorithm or image filter? What about slice thickness? (A. Brühschwein)

15.15 h: What do you need to know about brain CT? (Y. Vali)

15.45 h: Coffee break

16.15 h: Care and cleaning of my CT device, daily maintenance to avoid damage. Temperature in the CT room and the influence of air-conditioning. (I. Gielen)

16.35 h: Communication with tele-radiology service (I. Gielen)

17.00 h: Cervical CT in Equine: Technique and Anatomy Quiz (M. Hellige)

17.30 h: Biopsy equipment, what do we need and maintenance (H. van Bree)

18.00 h: WETLAB: cross sectional anatomy (Y. Vali)  


Saturday 3 December, 08.30-13.30 h

Room 1: Small Animals - Computer Tomography in abdominal and neurologic diseases, compared to other modalities …

08.30 h: Gastrointestinal tract - what can we learn from a intravenous and oral CT contrast study after we did an ultrasound? (S. Stieger)

09.00 h: Computed tomography in genito-urinary imaging. (S. Stieger)

09.30 h: CT of portosystemic shunt: hot or not? Compared to other modalities… (K. von Pückler)

10.05 h: Hepatic ultrasonography versus computed tomography in tumor staging (S. Stieger)

10.35 h: Coffee Break and Poster session  

11.10 h. MRI versus CT in spinal disorders (K. von Pückler)

11.45 h: Imaging periphereral nerves (K. von Pückler)

12.20 h: Preferred modality to examine the brain: CT versus MRI? (K. von Pückler)

12.30 h: Research Award

13.15 h: Discussion and Adjourn

13.30 h: Snack

Room 2: Equine: CT Applications in the Cervical Spine and the Orthopaedic disease
08.30 h: The use of cervical radiography as a primary imaging modality in horses. (C. Crijns)

09.00 h: Possibilities and limitations of CT of the cervical spine, including CT Myelography. (M. Hellige)

09.45 h: Standing CT in equine limb disease. (Hallmarq)

10.15 h: Coffee Break and Poster session

10.45 h: CT vs MRI for evaluating osseous pathology in horses. (Gabriel Manso Diaz)

11.15 h: CT vs ultrasound and MRI for evaluating ligament and tendinous structures. (M. Hellige)

11.45 h: Visibility of equine cartilage, is CT the solution? (M. Hellige)

12.15 h: Wetlab/Film reading (M. Hellige and Gabriel Manso Diaz)

13.15 h: Discussion and Adjourn

13.30 h: End of conference




Teilnehmerbegrenzung: keine

Homepage: www.ct-user.be/

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